When Will An ETIAS Visa Not Be Required?
There are some unexpected instances when the ETIAS visa will not be required
when Albanian citizens wish to travel around the EU. Firstly, to travel
to nations that are part of neither the EU nor the Schengen agreement,
will not require Albanian citizens to have an ETIAS visa. It is a similar
situation for EU states that are not part of the Schengen agreement, such as
Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, and Cyprus.
Different rules apply when you want to travel to these states. Albanian citizens will
have to find out what visa they will need to travel. Most likely, it will be a
specific visa for the specific destination nation.
How Should Albanian Citizens Apply For An ETIAS Visa?
When Albanian citizens apply for ETIAS visa, it is a quick and easy process. For most,
it won’t take longer than 10 minutes. Usually, the only documentation that Albanian
citizens will need will be a biometric passport.
Most of the application is formed of questions that should be easy to answer.
They center on basic personal information, such as the applicant’s full name,
birthplace and date, address, and parents’ personal information. Some of the
questions will be a little more probing than this, such as those on terrorist and
human trafficking affiliation, past travel to warzones, drug use, employment
history, and the applicant’s past travel to Europe.
Most ETIAS visa applicants will find that they have been successful
within one working day. Although the applications will be reviewed
manually by border staff, they will be able to approve the vast majority,
an estimated 95%, very quickly. The process can take up to 3 working days
if additional documentation is needed, although it is hoped that this will be rare.