What Information Will Brazilians Need to Provide?
Brazilians can find out precisely the information needed in by looking at the online form.
The questions are broadly simple matters questions of personal information.
- Full name
- Parents basic information
- Date of birth
- Birthplace
- Detailed travel itinerary
- Past travel to Europe.
Other questions will screen Brazilians to guarantee the safety of the EU and the Schengen
area. They are on if the applicant has…
- Connections to terrorist groups
- Travelled to conflict zones
- Human trafficking connections
- Background in the illegal drugs or weapons trade
Cross-references of Brazilians' answers with their documentation and security databases
will define which Brazilians are awarded with an ETIAS.
If Brazilians complete their applications correctly, they will usually be successful.
Similar schemes to the ETIAS visa waiver have 95% of applications approved, with most
approvals happening within one working day. Sometimes, further documentation will be required.
This will be rare and increase the response time to three working days.