How the Entry and Exit System Works?
By implementing EES, you would not need to spend spare time at the Schengen border.
The system has a device that will detect the period of stay an individual has within
the country. The Helsinki Vantaa airport in Finland already has the EES device that
automatically detects the period of stay for every traveller.
The first step a citizen will require to take is at the Schengen border is to go to the
EES device. The border will scan the first page of your passport to ensure your biometric
information is correct. You will also confirm the authenticity of your biometric by taking
a passport photograph on the spot. The device will then compare your facial capture with
the information on your passport. If the two are valid, the EES will store your data on
its system. If otherwise, you will receive a query and be banned from entering the
Schengen areas in case of serious misconduct.
It takes only a few minutes to undertake the EES permit process. However, complete all the
necessary details online before visiting the embassy. This will hasten the EES processing
and increase your chances of receiving approval. There is a National Uniform Interface (NUI)
in the EES system, which allows each state's government to access the needed information.
This information is stored on encrypted communication infrastructure to ensure no security
breach happens in the future.