Among other countries running the Golden Visa program, Malta is very prominent.
For a foreigner to apply for residency, such a person must have a capital of more
than 450,000 Euros and assets worth 150,000 Euros and more.
Other prerequisites are optional, and they include purchasing properties valued at
350,000 Euros and for 300,000 Euros in Gozo or South Malta, leasing properties for
12,000 Euros annually and 10,00 Euros annually in Gozo or South Malta, giving 28,000
Euros to the Maltese Economy if the property has been bought and 10,000 Euros for
leased properties, giving 2,000 Euros to charity for NGOs, paying a non-returnable
administration fee of 40,000 Euros.
In terms of citizenship, only foreigners that have obtained residencies for precisely
3 years will be eligible to apply. However, it can be done via direct investment.
The conditions are buying a property for residence in the country with a minimum
value of 700,000 Euros and owning it for a minimum of 5 years. Others include investing
at least 600,000 Euros to fund Malta's national development. Also, they must donate
10,000 Euros to an NGO.